Tiles Cutting & Drilling
Tiles Cutting & Drilling

2. Set the cutting unit on the tile so that the references coincide with the marked lines.

3. Score one end of the slab for 5-10cm then complete the scoring from one edge to the other, being careful to maintain the same pressure while moving along.
4. When the cut has been made, move the slab until the incision line sticks out 10cm from the workbench.
5. Start splitting from both sides using appropriate cutting-off pliers and follow the scoring line to complete the cut.

6. Smooth rough edges with a diamond polishing pad.

7. To drill a hole at the corners of the rectangle shape, using a diamond blade drill.

8. While drilling also keep both surface and drill bits wet.
9. Follow the drawn lines using a diamond-blade angle grinder and then finish off the edges with a diamond polishing pad.

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